Wednesday, October 1, 2014

History Essay week two

A brief history of Minoan Crete and key points of Mycenean Greece

    Minoan Crete began in 3000 BC and went until about 1400BC. It is divided into four periods, Prepalatian, Protopalatian, Neopalatian, and Postpalatian.
    In Prepalatial Crete, there were no palaces or any sort of centralized government. It was just several large towns where the inhabitants of Crete lived, traded and produced goods.
    There came kings and heirarchy to Crete in the Protopalatial period, and the first palaces were built. The people of Crete started expanding their trade networks into other lands, like Egypt. Here also is where thier writing system was found. Toward the end of the Protopalatial period, disaster struck Crete and destroyed their towns and palaces.
    The poeple began rebuilding their palaces andthus began the Neopalatian period. These new palaces were much bigger, grander, and more advanced than the old ones. The towns of Crete grew around these palaces and so did the trade networks. There is, however, no evidence of any military activity in Crete, although their influence spread quite far.
    After the golden age of Neopalatial Crete, there was a rapid downfall of Minoan Crete and after 1425 BC, Minoan Crete was no more.

    Mycenean Greece

    Mycenean Greece was a culture that arose around 1600 BC, under the influence of Minoan Crete, and later evolved into classical Greece. Mycenea advanced through the conquering of other lands,  including Minoan Crete and Troy, according to legend. Mycenea was ruled by a warrior class.
    Mycenean society was divided into two groups: the king's entourage, and the people. The people were bound to perform social duties as directed by the king's entourage.
    The people grew grapes, grain, and olives, and they made pottery and bronze tools and weapons. These they traded with neighboring nations, such as Sicily and Asia Minor.

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